Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3.1.1 Activity

5. 0, not present, no check
6. one, present, check
7. switches outcomes of 5 and 6
9. 38 to 5000
11. 1756
12. 1632
14. the red and black wires get switched
15. the reed switch is turned on by electromagnet
16. normally closed
18. photo-resistor closed makes the light shine
19. more light means more resistance in the photo-transistor
20. reverse programming
21. leave alone

1. Examine the wire diagram on the mini switch and describe how the diagram relates to the concepts of normally open and normally closed.

2. If computers only understand digital signals, then how is a computer able to interpret the analog signals coming from the interface?

3. Why does resistance decrease as the NTC Resistor becomes warmer?

1. It shows the difference between normally open and normally closed switches based on whether or not the metal touches and the switch creates a circuit or doesn't.

2. A computer understands analog signals by utilizing an A/D converter.

3. It gets warmer as the electricity flows through more freely and faster because it can move through more quickly.